Today’s Scrip-Bit 30 May 2020 Luke 9:62.

Luke 9:62.    ​No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of heaven.

Well there’s a fierce battle going on outside between the bright morning sun and a huge dark cloud for supremacy over the day! Who’s going to win eh? Well that’s anyone’s guess! But whoever does, and our day continues with either rain or shine, it will undoubtedly be with our great God Jehovah still at its helm, still ruling the roost! And all God’s children said a loud, proud and grateful: ‘Praise the Lord!’ And we also have to be thankful that our friend Anselm has apparently risen from the dead, because he’s sent us a full slate of quotes this week, though some rather short and pithy (brief, concise) ones. (smile) 

So let’s look at them together nuh. Here’s the first one: ‘Dream it. Wish it. Do it.’ Yeah friends, in general, that’s how we ought to operate. You dream the dream…then wish upon it, hoping and believing that God and man will support you…then you go out and put that dream plan into action with the help of God and man! Oh, it does seem so simple and easy eh. But in reality, it very seldom is because according to this next quote: ‘Success doesn’t just find you. You have to go out and get it.’ 

And that’s for certain sure! Success doesn’t usually come a looking for you, you have to get up off your fanny and go looking for it, seeking it wherever it may be hidden. And all of this assumes that you are doing it with the help of the Good Lord, for if you aren’t, success is even more difficult to locate and make your own. That’s why Cousin Sol wisely advised us to: ‘Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (make them straight).’ (Prov. 3:5-6) 

Now, considering all the problems, trials and tribulations we will face in this world – even Jesus acknowledged that in John 16:33 – those are incredibly wise and wonderful words of advice. And it leads us to the following quote: ‘Great things never come from comfort zones.’ Now that’s another certain sure thing! (smile) We never move on, move up, or achieve anything worthwhile in life without getting out of our comfort zones. It’s basic logic. How can anything be great if you don’t make an extra effort, extend yourself, put some elbow grease into it eh? 

If you just snap your fingers and it happens, then it doesn’t usually fall into the category of great. Many of us can sit on our fat fannies and make things happen, but the real great and worthwhile ones always require that we get motivated and get up off our rear ends, and go that extra mile that Jesus advised us to go. And you know what? It’s strange but true, as this next quote correlates: ‘The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.’ Mamacita! Now isn’t that the gospel truth! It surely is! 

The more elbow grease, the more blood, sweat and tears we put into a project, the greater the enjoyment we experience when it comes to successful fruition! And that’s why we work so hard to make projects successful! As we were saying above; li’l elbow grease means li’l satisfaction. As Jesus says: ‘and with what measure ye mete (use), it shall be measured to you again.’ (Matt. 7:2b). Granted, He was referring there specifically to justice, but my people, that principle works in almost every arena of life. Our rewards are usually measured by the effort we put into our plans. 

And then we come to this last and most important quote for this week: ‘Sometimes later becomes never.’ And isn’t that the living truth! Most of us can testify to that in spades. We say we’ll do something later, but that later so often turns out to be never. That’s where laziness and procrastination and negative emotions come into play. The duchess reminds me of it almost every day. I keep saying I’m going to do this or that, but always keep putting it off. Meanwhile, if she has something to do, even if she isn’t feeling well, she wants to get up and do it. 

And as I look around me right now in the office, I can think of numerous things I want to and have to do down here. And though they are too many for me to do all at once, if I would only get up off my fat fanny – well it’s not really fat – (smile) and do more than I’m currently doing, I would feel much better, get more satisfaction from my efforts. But I keep saying, tomorrow, tomorrow… but tomorrow never seems to come…and I remain displeased with myself. So please learn from my procrastination. 

And that’s why Jesus said to the man who wanted to follow him, but first wanted to go and say goodbye to his family: ‘No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of heaven.’ Oh my people, when we begin a project, dream a dream, come to Jesus, or simply desire to succeed in some walk of life, we cannot afford to procrastinate, to tarry too long…or look back. Once we make a commitment to something or someone, we need to stick to it and do our best, keep looking and moving forward, with Jesus’ help of course. And yes, I’ve gotten the message: ‘Doctor, heal thyself!’ (smile) Much LOVE!

…no matter the roadblocks…be of good cheer…Jesus is always with you… 

P.S. What a way the Bit short today! (smile) Much LOVE!