Today’s Scrip-Bit   28 October 2022   1 Timothy 4:7.

1 Timothy 4:7.        But refuse (reject) profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.

Finally, at long last, it’s Friday, the day we all look forward to, because it means the end of our work week and all the frustrations and problems making a living in this crazy, strife-filled world tend to cause. That’s why this shout is heard all around the world on a Friday. ‘TGIF! Thank God it’s Friday, and the weekend is finally at hand. No more labour for two whole big days. Wow!’ 

And we all note the sarcasm in the last sentence. What an entitled and ungrateful society we’ve become, lacking work ethic and responsibility. We want to live a good life, with all the amenities available but don’t want work or do what’s necessary to provide them. It’s like the saying goes; we want what others have but don’t want to do what they did to get it. And the sad part is that Jesus told us so clearly that running down the things of the world is counter-productive, because the same basic things are available through belief in Him and His heavenly Father, plus with them, you’ll also gain life eternal, while with Satan it’s eternal death. 

What don’t we understand about: ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.’ (Matt. 6:33) If you trust and rely on God, He will provide you with all the basic necessities of life, just like He does for the birds, the bees, the flowers and all His other creations. You are His most wonderful and adored creation, so if He provides all the lesser creations need to survive and thrive, why will He refuse to do the same for his most prized creation eh? No reason whatsoever! 

But we foolishly allow the devil to tempt us into running down the things of the world, because they seem glamorous and glitter like gold, allowing him to sow doubt in our minds about the goodness and grace of God. But as a true believer, that is one thing you should never doubt because if you’ve spent any time at all under His umbrella, you’ll have certainly seen several instances of His grace and mercy. However, unfortunately, it’s only with experience, length of time you spend with someone, that you truly get to know them. 

And that’s how it is also with our great and generous God; the more time you spend with Him, the better you get to know Him, and thus come to appreciate all his many marvellous attributes. Then you will see the lack of wisdom involved in following the deceitful, and treacherous devil, who only comes to steal and destroy, while Jesus came to save us, to give us life in abundance, so much so that it will overflow. (John 10:10) 

That’s why Bruh Paul in his first letter to Timothy, his young preacher associate, so seriously warned him against the things of the world. ‘But refuse (reject) profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and that which is to come.’ (1 Tim. 4:7-8) 

And that certainly is good advice! For as the scholars tell us: ‘We may read the verse (7), “But avoid profane and fabricated myths, and exercise yourself to be godly.” These false doctrines called “myths” are described as “profane” because they promote ungodliness, and “fabricated” because they – like modern day soap operas – are silly and flighty in character. Not only must Timothy avoid false teaching, he must spare himself no pain and effort to be pious. Godliness does not come automatically. To attain holiness he must be diligent in prayer, Bible study, obedience, fellowshipping with other believers, and Christian service.’ 

And my fellow believers nothing has changed in that department. We still need to be diligent in our obedience, duty, fellowshipping, prayer, and Bible study time, for that’s the only way we can ever truly know the heart, desires and will of our majestic and LOVING God. And I’m sure the scholars’ belittling of soap operas won’t sit well with some of you soap opera diehards, but it’s the truth. They don’t promote anything but resentment, deceit and a flighty, worldly lifestyle. 

That brings us to the scholars comment on verse 8 above. They say: ‘The verse may be paraphrased, “For physical exercise is of limited value, but godliness the result of spiritual exercise, has unlimited values, since it brings blessings for both now and eternity.’ Oh my people, what a way our world would be wonderfully improved if some of us would spend just a li’l less time on bodily exercise and use that saved time instead in spiritual improvement. 

The thiefing gyms and exercise palaces are full to overflowing every day, meanwhile the churches sit empty. What does that say about us eh? Simply that we regard and appreciate our frail, fragile earthly bodies more than we do our omnipotent Creator. And that obviously doesn’t bode well for our society in the long term, because without godly vision and practices, a society flounders and eventually fails. And unfortunately, we’re currently seeing and experiencing that tell-tale floundering in our mish-mash, ungodly world. 

However, it’s not too late to make a change, a change for the better, but it all begins with sincere prayer. So, if you’re sincere about trying to improve the world for our descendants, then please join me in offering up our Friday Chant to a waiting heaven. As one voice: ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through this past week. You know it’s been rough… what with all the anxiety, the confusion and havoc that the several viruses and our many other problems are causing. We can’t seem to fix it on our own Lord, that means we desperately need your help. 

Oh heavenly Father, with your omnipotent help, and our trusting faith, we know that we can stand strong and steadfast and defeat both the viruses and the simmering unrest in our land. So Lord, we sincerely ask you today to give the governments and those involved in the forefront of this serious and unexpected storm, the wise guidance to handle the situation properly, with the least amount of loss to life and property as possible. And please help those of us who must go out to work amidst all the confusion, to be responsible and to stay safe, and avoid any more serious setbacks. 

And Lord, we fervently pray that You’ll use this situation to bring a lot of backsliders back to your fold, show them the error of their ways. And please introduce a whole new flock, who will embrace your LOVE and compassion by the example, we, your faithful believers set. Yes Lord, please use this pandemic, the discontent and dissatisfaction in our land that’s threatening to boil over, as a means of restoring faith in You, so that our sinful world can wake up and smell the coffee, wake up and smell it sweet and strong! We pray this in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen!’ 

Now, my fellow believers, let’s get busy with all the things we need to do if we’re going to improve our world, as soon as possible. Much LOVE!

…worldly pleasures last but for a moment…but godliness gives grace for eternity… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 29 July 2015 Psalm 139:1‏

Psalm 139:12.  O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

Oh Friends, it’s ‘Summertime, And the livin’ is easy. Fish are jumpin’, And the cotton is high. Oh your daddy’s rich, and your mama’s good looking, So hush little baby, Don’t you cry.’

Yes Friends, let’s live the words of the Gershwin Brothers lyrics and not cry and complain because it’s the time of year we so avidly look forward to; summer. The days are hot and sticky, but we’re thankful it’s not freezing and we have to dress up in several layers of clothes and spend so much time inside.

And it’s certainly amusing and thought-provoking the way the weather plays on our emotions and our responses to each season. In winter we’re somewhat dour and sour (smile).

Then when spring comes along we lighten up some, a rebirth of enthusiasm seems to take place. As the cooler winds blow and the trees come out in their spring green colours, we begin to get lively with all sorts of dreams being born.

And when the big one hits, when summer finally rolls around, oh we just get crazy and let it all hang out. But not for very long though, because as fall, as autumn rolls in, the trees soon start losing their leaves, although they first provide us with some beautiful fall colours, but a depressive mood creeps in.

Then when the first snowfall hits… Chuh! We get sad and morose again thinking about the long, cold, dreary days and nights of winter and long to get away to somewhere warm and sunny. Hn, hn!

What a life mih people! But it’s ours and we’ll be foolish not to enjoy it as much as we can, for remember Jesus said that He came to give us life, and that more abundantly. (John 10:10)

So regardless of the temperature or the kind of weather we’re currently enjoying, please, let’s go out everyday and enjoy it to the best of our ability, knowing and believing that it’s another beautiful gift from God, and that He has something important planned for our day, that’s why we’re still alive. End of sermon! (smile)

And since today is Wednesday, let’s wail on nuh. Please wail with me. ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home.

My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’

And that’s exactly how it ought to be my brethren! Our focus should always be on Jesus, for He is indeed the Way, the Truth, the Life and the Light of our salvation. Glory to God!

And we’ll continue today with our Bit from that beautiful Psalm 139 –The everlasting presence and power of God. ‘O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.’ Yes Friends, our God knows all about us, as intimately as we can be known, because He created us, formed us in our mother’s womb, and we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made.’

And Bruh David reminds us of that, as we continue from where we left off yesterday. ‘My substance (frame) was not hid from thee when I was made in secret, and curiously (skillfully) wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect (unformed); and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned (the days fashioned for me) when as yet there were none.

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.’ (Ps.139:15-18)

Yes Friends, our God planned, designed and formed us, writing the details of our members in His book before they even existed, even before they began forming. Then He sat and LOVINGLY watched us grow in our mother’s wombs. Isn’t He just a marvellous Deity? He surely is!

Now the scholars grace us with some info on the Comparative Attributes of God as it pertains to Psalm 139, and I would be greatly amiss if I didn’t share it with you.

‘Psalm 139. The comparative attributes of God contrast human abilities with the divine nature. Everyone has some knowledge, but only God has all knowledge (omniscience). Everyone has presence, but only God has presence at all times everywhere (omnipresence). Every person has some degree of power, but only God has unlimited power (omnipotence).

Illustration: Psalm 139 lays a foundation for understanding the comparative attributes. The omniscience of God is seen in verses 1-6. The omnipresence of God is seen in verses 7-11. The omnipotence of God is seen in verses 12-16.

Application: A Christian’s response to the comparative attributes of God should be to surrender to His leadership because He is wise, He is able to protect us, and He knows the true way to life with Himself. (First Ref. Gen.3:8; Primary Ref. Ps.139:1; cf. Eph.1:8).’

So Friends, it is only sane and sensible that we hand over leadership of our lives to the One who created us and controls our days and destiny down here on this earth, and through salvation in heaven, or death and destruction in hell, till eternity. Nothing else makes sense, since we can’t control much of what happens to us.

And we’ll close with some more wise and telling words from Bruh David. ‘Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my (anxious) thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.’ (Ps.139:23-24)

Ah mih people, let’s do that this morning nuh… Let’s cry out to God to search our hearts and minds and clean us up and lead us on the straight and narrow nuh. For that is indeed wisdom at its zenith! Much LOVE!

…the smartest bet we can ever make…is to put all our hopes and dreams on Jesus…to WIN…no show or place bets…because Jesus is indeed the irrevocable, irreversible and ultimate WINNER…Glory to God…





Today’s Scrip-Bit 14 July 2015 2 Corinthians 1:3

 2 Corinthians 1:3.  Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.

Oh Friends, was yesterday ever an interesting day! Not only was it interesting nuh, but also rather humbling. Would you believe that on the hottest day of the year so far, about 30 C – I had to go into the goodly city of Toronto to check out a medic re my arthritically challenged right shoulder. (smile)

But with the Pan Am Games in town, I decided to take the subway into the city instead of fighting the traffic back and forth and running around looking for parking down there. Now it’s been a few years since I last travelled the subway. I believe it was still a dollar and some cents for a one-way ride, but now it’s three dollars. Mama yo!

And the upstairs and downstairs traipsing to the trains weren’t all that easy on the ole knees, but we made it through, with the Lord’s help of course. Going down wasn’t bad because the train wasn’t crowded, but coming back, shortly after four, brother!

The platforms were full of people moving in all different directions and I had to stand up on the train because there were no seats available. And yuh know that wasn’t even the real rush hour, after five is when the real cattle car stuff really happens.

At one stage I looked up at the route map on the wall and counted fifteen stops to where I got off and sincerely hoped that I wouldn’t have to stand up all the way. But the Lord is so good to me that halfway along a seat opened up right next to me. And would you believe that there were several women around who didn’t take the seat? So, finally swallowing my manly pride, I thankfully plopped myself down on it. (smile)

But another thing, with these new trains the seats are so small you can barely fit on them, there’s much more standing room than on the older trains that I was accustomed to. The diversity of the people on the train was certainly amazing too, showing that T.O has become a real cosmopolitan town.

But the behaviour on the train was still the same; people were still serious and into themselves, possible even more now, with everybody on their little phones or whatever, intently absorbed in their own business. 

Me, I didn’t even have my cell phone, because when I turned it on before I left home, I found it dead as a door nail, though I had recently charged it. Apparently the battery isn’t holding the charge and I need to buy a new one.

Finally, to make matters worse, when I did exit the train, I came out the wrong doors and had to walk twice as much to get to my car in the parking lot. But Friends, our God is so wonderful, the ole fella tramped it all with great aplomb, standing strong and tall although the body was aching and the heat was oppressive. All glory be to Jehovah God!

I don’t know how people do it every day nuh, and twice a day to boot! After my first winter, some forty years ago, I promised myself never again to have to take the bus and streetcar and subway everyday to get to work. And it’s a promise that I’ve kept all through the years.

Now by the time I got home, shortly after six, I was so tired and sweaty, I just had to jump in the shower and allow the cold water to reinvigorate the ole aching bones. Ah Friends, we never really appreciate how good we have it until we try to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes nuh.

Believe you me, I am exceedingly thankful for not having to face the rush and the pull and push of public transit commuting everyday. No wonder people are so tired and stressed out and impatient. And yet they refuse to turn to the God of all comfort.

With my somewhat physically challenged self, I certainly could not have done what I did yesterday without a full serving of God’s grace, mercy and comfort. That’s why I implore us Friends, to do like Bruh Paul did in his afflictions, to turn to the Lord.

Our Bit states it so obviously. ‘Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.’

Oh my people, what absolute and indisputable truth! And I speak here from personal experience, as many of you no doubt can also attest to. Our God is the greatest and best comforter in the entire world.

For as Bruh Paul continues after our Bit. ‘Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble (tribulation), by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.’ (2 Cor.1:4)

Now here is some info from the scholars on those verses. ‘1:3-4. Blessed (Gr. eulogetos, “well spoken of”) is used in the New Testament of God (e.g. Eph.1:3). It is a term of adoration and praise.

The Father of mercies: The mercies in view here include everything from deliverance from the world, sin, and Satan, to participation in sonship, light, and life. But the force is even more than this. The stress is that the Father is characterized by mercy (cf. Ps.86:5; Dan.9:9; Mic.7:18).’ Please check out those scriptures Friends, I just did, and they are rather interesting.

So my brethren, as with every blessing that God pours upon us, He intends for us to share His comfort with others too. When He comforts us, He expects us to use that same comfort to comfort others who are undergoing tough and rough times. That’s how Christians ought to operate; spreading God’s blessings around to all in need.

However though, in this modern age of untold selfishness and greed, that is not happening as much as it ought to. We instead try to hoard, to keep all that God has given us to share, for ourselves. That’s why there is so much want and deprivation in the world today.

Those with a lot are not sharing sufficiently with those who are in need and want. And until that attitude undergoes a godly change, our world will not improve, but most likely become even worse.

That means, we believers have to fight to turn things around. We cannot afford to be simply complacent in our own blessed lives, but are duty bound as believers in Christ to help those in need. So let’s try and concentrate on that today nuh; helping those in need, for as the saying goes, there is always someone out there who is in a worse situation than us.

And please remember that Jesus came to earth so that we might have life, and have it more abundantly, and He greatly desires that we share that abundance with others. Much LOVE!

…blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings…in heavenly places…in Christ…  (Eph.1:3)




Today’s Scrip-Bit 20 September 2014 Psalm 111:10‏

Psalm 111:10.  The fear of the Lord (an awe-filled reverence toward the Lord) is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.

Well Friends, it’s another brand new day that we’ve been privileged to see! Wow! All praise and glory that our wonderful God has not taken away the breath of life from us! And for that, we shall indeed be very thankful!
That means He still has some purpose for our lives here on planet earth, so let’s offer up all the praise and thanks we can, and as one joyful body in Christ, sincerely declare: ‘This is the day the Lord has made, we shall all rejoice and be glad in it!’
And that’s exactly how it ought to be my people, because the Lord gave us life so that we could be joyful and enjoy it. What did Jesus say? That He came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)
Therefore we ought to rejoice and give thanks each and every day that we open our eyes and discover that the awesome breath of life, the Spirit of Holy God is still flowing through our mortal bodies.
So what are we waiting for eh Friends? Let’s jump for joy, dance and sing, and give thanks and praise to our wonderful Creator for all the blessings and mercies He’s continually showering down on us!
And let’s also take our Bit to heart. ‘The fear of the Lord (an awe-filled reverence toward the Lord) is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever,’
Oh my brethren, when we do that, then we’ll know that we are on the right track, because having a sincere reverence towards Almighty God is the first step to Christian maturity, to true wisdom and understanding!
It’s a two pronged instrument my people; fear the Lord and keep His commandments, then you’ll be on the right road, the straight and narrow one, to wisdom and understanding. That’s because true wisdom and understanding emanate directly from Jehovah God! He is the fount of it all!
And how do we access that wisdom and understanding? By focusing on God and reading the Good Book! For the Bible is God’s Word to us, still fresh through all the ages. And if we read it, we will find God’s wisdom on its pages. And furthermore, please remember that ONE TRUTH from the Bible is worth more than all the wisdom of man. Glory Hallelujah!
That’s why James tells us in no uncertain terms: ‘If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not (without reproach); and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering (not doubting). For he that wavereth (doubts) is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.’ (James 1:5-8)
Now that’s the gospel truth my brethren! For whatever situation we’re facing, to come up over it wisely, we need to go to God, who is so generous, and without reproach too. But we have to do it in strong and constant faith, not in a wishy-washy, wavering, neither here nor there attitude.
And that’s why so many of us are so lost in this evil and ungodly world. We either completely refuse to go to God, and go to mortal man instead, foolishly figuring that he, who cannot control his own days, has the answers. Or we go to God without true faith and confidence.
I like how Cousin Sol declares it in chapter 8 of Proverbs – wisdom is everlasting. ‘O ye simple, understand wisdom (prudence): and ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart…. Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold. For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.’ (Prov.8:5,10-11)
Awesome truth my fellow believers! And here is the reward for heeding wisdom. ‘When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh froward (perverse) things; Who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness; who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the forwardness (perversity) of the wicked.’ (Prov.2:10-14)
Now Friends, I’m sure that all of us would dearly LOVE to walk that upright kind of path in our lives. And we can all do it, if we embrace the living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with reverence and sincerity, while following His commandments as best we can, making praise and thanksgiving an essential and integral part of our existence.
And we’ll go home with these fateful words of the Preacher: ‘Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.’ (Eccl.12:13-14)
Oh Friends, those are words of absolute and indisputable truth! So let’s get our act together nuh man; let’s seek true wisdom and understanding by sincerely serving and worshipping the wonderful God of our forefathers. For there’s none else like Him; a living, faithful, generous, merciful, forgiving, ever-LOVING and omnipotent God!
So if we want to have a truly enjoyable life, then let’s wake up and smell the coffee nuh people! (smile) Hn, hn! It’s been a while since I last heard that expression. But a couple of days ago, I heard my sister-in-law use it, and it reminded me of when my grandfather Bill, would boil his coffee every morning in the orange juice tin, you’d stay down the street and smell it.
So let’s inhale that refreshing aroma this Saturday morning nuh mih breddren, and take a strong and faithful stand with and for Almighty God! Much LOVE!
…Praise ye the Lord…shout Hallelujah…I will praise the Lord with my whole heart…in the assembly of the upright…and in the congregation…  (Ps.111:1)