Today’s Scrip-Bit 4 February 2015 Mark 6:34‏

 Mark 6:34   And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people (a great multitude), and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things. 

Ah Friends, I don’t want to say it again, because I know the bad state some of you are in up in the north country, but it’s true: It’s another beautiful day in Paradise! And I am feeling a little better, a little stronger. Praise the Lord! 

Yes, most things are all right in the ole fella’s world. And what isn’t, I’m just leaving them to the Lord to deal with, because I obviously can’t. So if nothing else, there’s peace in the ole fella’s soul. Thank You Lord!

Oh, and I finally got to the real McCoy yesterday; Store Bay! Imagine that nuh! it took me a whole week to get to my favourite beach, which is only a ten to fifteen minutes drive away from me. 

But Friends, after that significant episode in California some years ago, where I hustled to the beach, lost my wedding ring and my way home, I’ve learned my lesson, and just try my best to leave everything in God’s hands and times.

And believe me, Store Bay was not on its best behavior. Though the water was a beautiful aquamarine blue, it was rough, and getting rougher as the tide came in, with the water coming right up to the deck chairs on the beach.

It prevented the duchess from bathing, but not me. I had a couple nice dips, though I couldn’t do much swimming, more like dog paddling, because of my aching right shoulder and arm. But nonetheless I enjoyed myself. How could I come to Store Bay and not do that eh? I walked up and down the golden sandy beach a couple of times and felt energized.

Unfortunately, I rushed from Store Bay to get a roti, but when I got to the Roti Shop at four o’clock, it was closed, although the lady that runs it had earlier on told me she closed at five. Ah Lord eh!

I was disappointed, but I came home, relaxed, ate some left overs, then picked up a novel I had begun reading about two weeks ago, but hadn’t gotten very far. And would you know it, I got so into the book that I just sat down outside on the on the verandah, with some music playing on my computer, and read till I finished it sometime after midnight, then went to bed.

So now you know all… Oh I forgot to tell you about the beautiful full moon that’s been out every night, throwing it’s bright God-sent light down to earth. The first couple nights it seemed like two new moons grafted together; the one on top, showing its upper half, then the other attached to it in the middle showing the whole moon below.

I remember seeing that back home in the north country and mentioning it. But to make sure that I wasn’t seeing things, I called the duchess outside and she verified my assertion.

But even better than that, the past couple nights when there was only one moon, around midnight, I looked up through the skylight in the kitchen and just saw it staring back at me, strangely not as big as the ones back up north, about two thirds the size, but still bright and beautiful! Mama Mia!

Enough about me though, let’s turn now to the most important person in the universe – our most wonderful Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! And all God’s children declared a loud and grateful shout of ‘Praise Him, for He is indeed worthy to be praised!’

And that He is indeed my brethren. And part of that is because of His actions in our Bit. ‘And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people (a great multitude), and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.’

Oh Friends, when I read that verse yesterday, it just touched my heart something special! I do hope it touched yours too, enough to make us improve our selfish ways and attitudes, and show more compassion to our fellow man.

Now here is a very appropriate poem for our Bit, from the One Year Book of Bible Promise’s with writings by Ruth Harms Calkin. It’s simply titled ‘HEARTSTRINGS.’ 

‘Lord, with no sense of direction I’m forever losing my way. Please tie a string From Your heart to mine So that even in the darkness I’ll feel the tug of Your heart And find my way home.’

Oh my people, doesn’t that sound just like the multitudes that Jesus saw that day, and the multitudes today, who also have no sense of direction, living aimlessly like lost sheep with no caring and compassionate shepherd to guide and care for them.

And the Bible Promise that supports that poem is rather appropriate too, and is none other than these comforting and encouraging words from Isaiah. ‘Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand (strength), and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work (wage) before him.

He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arms, and carry them in his bosom (close to his heart), and shall gently lead those that are with young.’ (Is.40:10-11)

Oh Friends, Isaiah promised that hundreds of years before Jesus was born, but He faithfully fulfilled that promise along with so many others. So why is it so difficult for mankind to put their trust in Him eh?

I really can’t say for sure. But I suppose it’s a combination of our sinful nature, plus the fact that in the evil world, we like to see things happen before we believe, but in God’s kingdom, you have to believe before you see things happen.

And we’ll end with the chorus of a song I heard on the radio this morning. It says: ‘Jesus is the answer, For all the world today. Above Him is no other, Jesus is the way! And that’s indisputable, unequivocal gospel truth my people!

So please, let’s write that indelibly in our hearts minds and souls today, as we go out to serve Jesus in the ungodly world that surrounds us, and let it help us work though all the problems, the trials and tribulations that we will undoubtedly encounter. For that my people is the wisdom of Jesus. Have a blessed day in the service of Jesus! Much LOVE!

…we must all serve somebody…and Jesus is the best person to serve…because His is name higher than any other… He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords…                           

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