Today’s Scrip-Bit 8 May 2016 2 Timothy 1:5

2 Timothy 1:5.   When I call to remembrance the unfeigned (genuine) faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.


Well a Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful mother’s out there! Many of you have earned it through much sacrifice and a lot of elbow grease. (smile) 

You know it’s strange, but a lot of the time we don’t ever really know what our mothers went through, or are going through to keep our families afloat, because they don’t gripe and complain like many of us. They just put their heads down and do whatever is necessary. 

I can talk about that from personal experience with my late mother Molly. As I got older and looked back at some of the rough times we experienced, I now understand how hard she must have had it as a single mother doing two jobs, or having no job at all, and the emotional strain she must have felt. But I never heard her complain one day. She always had a smile on her face and a positive outlook on life, even in those rough times. 

And it’s sad that we don’t appreciate our mothers as much as we should. Too many of us just take them for granted and don’t consider that they are human beings just like us with human feelings and hurts just like us. Our mothers are usually the first ones we run to for comfort when we’re hurt, either physically, mentally or emotionally. 

But have we ever thought about whom they run to when times are rough and they are hurting?  Many of us don’t even consider that, because for some unknown reason we have this idea of Mom as superwoman, who doesn’t need any help. Well friends, that’s the furthest thing from the truth! Some Mothers are pretty strong and can handle a lot of stuff, while others are not and need plenty help. 

But they ALL need our LOVE and appreciation. Ofttimes that’s all they want from us. And unfortunately we don’t give them sufficient appreciation, except on days like these. 

But mothers are such powerhouses, the basic foundation of our families, who bear us for nine months in the womb, then suffer such agony birthing us, and are then responsible for nurturing and raising us to adulthood – and even after. (smile)They are usually the ones who teach us the basics of life, who keep us tightly knit together as a bonded unit of family. What in the world would we ever do without them eh? I won’t even bother to contemplate it. 

Now not all mothers fit the model I’ve painted above, some can be downright disgusting and bring terrible shame to the role of motherhood. But most do a decent job, trying their best to accomplish their God-given roles as nurturers, comforters, guides and the host of other tasks that mothers perform, or are expected to perform. 

And in this nuclear society, sadly mothers are having it harder than ever before. At one stage they were mostly stay at home moms, but with the recent boom and bust in our world, mothers are now also going out to work to help make ends meet, with little help from many fathers – those who are around – and are still expected to do their usual motherly chores. 

There are even more single moms around than before; either through divorce or men simply impregnating them and moving on without a care as to how the mother and child or children will survive. All of that simply adds to the breakdown and failure of our most important unit in society; that of the family. No wonder our children are irresponsible, godless, lazy and immature, amongst other things. 

But if we turn to our Bit, we’ll discover one of the most important things a mother can give to her child or children; the unparalleled gift of faith in Almighty God. ‘When I call to remembrance the unfeigned (genuine) faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.’ 

There Bruh Paul is encouraging Timothy to keep the sincere faith which he first learned at the knees of his mother Lois and his grandmother, Eunice. And teaching one’s family about God, and showing by personal example, is another job that usually falls to the mother in our Western Society. 

But yet for all these onerous duties, mothers, in fact women, are still not compensated, in cash or kind, not shown proper recognition and appreciation and treated as the equal of men. Ah Lord eh! Women still make less money than men, and relegated to lower class jobs even with better qualifications and more experience than their male counterparts. The Old Boy network is still running the world, and the glass ceiling for the advancement of professional women is still too low. 

And to make matters worse, abuse seems to be the order of the day in these supposed modern times. I don’t know if the abuse is actually on the rise or if it is just being highlighted more these days. But mothers shouldn’t have to be as fearful as they are and running away from abusive spouses in such great numbers. There are nowhere near enough shelters or programs to assist the abused mother today.  

Ah friends, mothers are the most important people in our society, and need to be appreciated and recognized as such. We men, who are all sons of mothers, ought to stop our selfish, male dominant traits and give God’s blessings and appreciation to the women in our lives, because they truly deserve better than what we’re currently handing out. 

You women too, you ought to try and stand up stronger to the abusive, feel-they-are-entitled men of today, and don’t let them push you around and treat you as doormats, as so many are wont to do. You also have a responsibility to yourself and womanhood in general. 

It’s the 21st century, and time to stop treating mothers, and women in general like second class citizens. So for all of you who have mothers, good, bad or indifferent, I urge you to show them LOVE and appreciation today, as they so rightfully deserve. And not only today, but each and every day of the year, because many of them are on the job 24/7, 365 days and need our appreciation and help. 

Trust me friends, if you still have your mother around, please enjoy her, just LOVE on her, for you will be real sorry and feel guilty when she goes over to the other side. I don’t have my mother here in person with me again, but Molls sugar, you know you are always on my mind and in my heart.  

And though I didn’t do too badly in our relationship, I still feel I could have done better than I did, knowing what I know now. But you know what; if you ask her, she’ll tell you that I was a most wonderful son! Hn! That’s another thing that mothers do. Have a blessed day, all you Mothers! Much LOVE!

…mothers are the closest thing to God on earth…they give life…offer comfort and succour, provide food and shelter…and teach us about God…   

P.S. Oh friends, in the beginning my mind was blank, didn’t know what to write. But as usual, with God’s help, look at how much I’ve written nuh! (smile) Hope it does make sense and encourages us to be better sons and daughter. Much LOVE!